Son in Switzerland with no cash his ATM pin has 8 digits and the ATMS he has found only accept up to 6. Tomorrow is Sunday. If he goes inside bank on MON in Murren or Lauterbrunnen will he be able to get cash from a teller with his debit card?? Or should I try to wire $ ?
Does he have access to the internet and can he change his pin to 4 or 6 digits? My debit allows me to manage the account on line including changing the pin number. The recommendations on this site has always been 4 digit pins. Could he fall back on a credit card for a cash advance? Far cheaper than wiring money.
Frank's suggestions are excellent. I'd add only this: if he can't change his debit card PIN online (which many banks do allow), and he is going to use a credit card instead, he'll have to know the credit card's PIN in order to use it in an ATM. If he doesn't know it, most credit card issuers will release it to him over the phone after he answers the usual security questions. If he can't get a new debit card PIN online, he can call his bank Monday and request a new PIN. They'll mail it to his address of record.
Thank you both! He set it up with 8 digits- I went to BOA branch and they said I needed the physical card to change the pin. They also said that most banks for security purposes have the capability for up to 12-digit pins!!(I would never be able to remember that) Anyway I hope he can figure out something at the bank on monday- I also suggested to him if he happens to meet someone at the hostel he could buy their dinner etc in exchange for cash. This card did work in London and Paris just not at the ATMs in Lauterbrunnen that he tried...
You need the card to prove that you have the card and the account but if it is his account I am sure he can go on line and change the pin. You probably do the same thing if you have access to all his codes. I have three main credit cards and two debit cards and they all permit an only change of pin number. In fact, they recommend that the pin should be changed frequently.