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self guided verdun and maginot line touring

does anyone publish a self guided tour of verdun and surrounding WW 1 battle fields and the Maginot Line forts

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365 posts

Richard, I don't know of one but the internet is your friend. I can recommend the Citadel at Verdun, Fort Fermont, Fort Douaumont, and the Ossuary (and museum) at Fort Douaumont. Also the American cemetery at Meuse-Argonne and the nearby memorial at Montfaucon. Fort Fermont is maintained by volunteers and features a ride in a former ammunition train to one of the gun emplacements. Pretty cool stuff.

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1358 posts

In addition to advice given here, do a google search for 'self guided tour of verdun' and self guided tour of maginot line'.

You might think of other topics of searches. I usually find more information this way and any other.

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19 posts

There are several underground areas that are open for tours, such as Simmersdorf, However, based on our experience, unless you are there in the height of tourist season - that would be August! - they are open at irregular hours. The posted or advertized hours are "soft." Call ahead or have your local hotel/hostel call to make sure they are really open. If you have a car, just driving around on the back roads you will see the abandoned, mushroom like circular fortifications. We would just get out of the car and explore the ruins - very interesting!