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Segregated days at Roman Irish Spa Baden Baden

On the 2 days a week where they separate the men and women, it says in the RS book that you only come to gether in 1 of the 3 pools. Are each of the pools one of the 17 steps they have you go through? Or is it just pool time and you pick which pool you get in to?

At the moment I feel very brave to even think I am going to try to do do this. :O

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208 posts

I was just asking. I have never done anything like this before. I am going to be brave.

I was just wondering if the pools are in different steps or it is just one step for all 3 pools. I am going to do this. I really want to. I know that I will probably never see the people again. I just think I can better prepare myself if I know more of what is going to happen.

I am so excited about my trip.

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19232 posts

I imagine you can skip the common pool if you want to. But really, you will find it is no big deal.

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3261 posts

Hi Cristina,
My husband and I went to the Roman-Irish Bath in December and found it to be a trip highlight and we're both pretty modest. The spa is beautiful. Just follow the steps--they're in English as well as German--you can spend as much or as little time in the common pools as you want--you'll enjoy the experience!

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208 posts

When I was trying to choose which spa to go to, for some reason the other one, even though you wear bathing suits, didn't appeal to me. This one sounded so much more relaxing. :)

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473 posts

Each pool is a different step. Each pool is in its own room, but the rooms are next to each other and connect via open doorways. As Lee mentioned, you can skip the pools if you want. However, from what I remember (it's been a few years) it's pretty easy to sink yourself up to your chin. So your "exposure time" can be kept to a minimum.

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208 posts

By the time I get to those steps I will be used to it, I am sure, from what everyone is telling me. I am really looking forward to just vegging out and relaxing.

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14 posts

Most of the days the spa bath is segretated, however, on all days both sexes meet in the main pool (station 15). You do not need to go there if you feel uncomfortable although a visit is worthwhile just to admire the architecture of 1890. In any case you will enjoy the whole treatment.