I have a studio apartment lined up for October in Paris and they ask for a 500e security deposit. They give it back at the end of your stay if you have not caused any damage. What do you recommend as form of payment?
Hi Nicole, When we rented our Parisian apartment last year we paid the deposit for the apartment through paypal and the balance plus security deposit in cash on arrival. The security deposit was refunded on departure. Depending on the apt, you may also be able to give them a cheque which they hold onto and return at departure.
Hi Nicole, when my parents rented an apt in Paris they just paid the security deposit in cash when they arrived. Theirs was a little over 500 euros, but the guy renting them the apartment took one look at them, said they were old and to just give him 100 euros.
Thanks for the info. They said after clarifying that a personal (US based check) is ok. I was curious if there are other methods besides cash but if they are willing to take a personal check that is ok with me.