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Security at CDG

Last week, I flew from Kiev to Paris (Terminal 2B, CDG), and then caught a connecting flight to SLC (Termainl 2E). I was surprised that I had to go through security screening to enter 2E, even though I never left the airport terminal. Fortuanately I had 2 hours between flights, but still just made it. I will soon be doing this flight backwards, coming from SLC (arriving in 2E or 2F, I assume) and then catching a flight to Kiev, possibly in 2B. Do I need to go through security again when traveling from 2E/2F to 2B? My connection is only an hour and I am worried about making it in time.

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i am not sure if most airports are now doing this, but i had to do it when i landed at heathrow last april. I think they do it because we exited the plane on the tarmac itsself and not through a jetway in the terminal. they probably though in between the time you get off the plane and on the shuttle to the next terminal you have done something that may be a security risk. as for the timing...if you are worried....i suggest running and politely asking to cut in line