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Schoenbrunn Palace: how far in advance to get tickets

Rick suggests advance tickets for Schoenbrunn Palace but doesn't say how far in advance. Has anyone had experience with this? Should we buy them online before we leave the States?

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5678 posts

When we were there last summer on a Rick Steves tour our guide bought them the day before I believe. At any rate, I think you could wait until you got there. Maybe someone with direct personal experience with the purchase will post. We went early in the day and it was still really, really crowded. That was in July which is likely one of the worst times to go. ; ) The palace was beautiful. Don't forget to leave time for the gardens. Even in the heat we took time to wander through them.


Posted by
180 posts

I would suggest buying online - you avoid all the lines - when I purchased them online, I stopped a couple places to ask and they kept telling me to go straight to the entrance - no timed entry or waiting. Totally worth it. We only had one day to be able to go, can't remember how far in advanced I bought them, but I did buy them online ahead of time

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12040 posts

On a similar Vienna-note, has anyone seen the Lipinzaner show? I'm traveling to Vienna in January, well after the New Year. Since this is during a lull in the tourist season, how far in advanced should I purchase tickets?

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189 posts

Thanks. I think we'll buy in advance. Unfortunately, it'll be July, but we'll just muddle through.

Posted by
484 posts

Hello Doreen,
When we toured Vienna last summer we were able to visit the palace where the shows were held (the Hofburg), and I understand that the Lippizaner shows are very popular with locals and tourist alike.
Also we were able to tour the performance arena and its very small so there is limited seating. If its something you really want to see its never too early to get tickets unless your travel plans are still uncertain.

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484 posts

Sorry, my post regarding the Lippizaner horses should have been addressed to Tom. My apologies, Tom.

Posted by
189 posts

Thanks everyone. We bought tickets online as suggested here. As for the Lippanzaner horses, they won't be in Vienna in July. Actually, they were just in Fresno, but I was in New York. Guess I'm not fated to see them this year.

Posted by
484 posts

Hi Doreen,
We were in Vienna in July last year so did not see an actual show with the Lippizaners but the tour offered at the museum is very interesting and we were
able to see the stables, the riding costumes and the hall where the shows are held. They also had some horses in the stables but these were not the actual
horses in the shows. The USA version of the show was in Oakland earlier this month and we did go.The horses are magnificent.

Posted by
7 posts

Hi Doreen!
We went to Schoenbrunn in early June & purchased ticktets at the door. It was moderately crowded. However, unlike the other tourists, we wanted to tour the zoo & gardens in the morning & the rooms in the heat of the afternoon. Doing it this way, we seemed to avoid all the crowds. The zoo was starting to pick up as we were leaving & the rooms were fairly empty at 1:00 or 1:30 when we toured them.

We ended at the apple strudel demonstration--they give samples!
