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Schedule for trip

We have16 days for our trip to florence Italy and then to Vienna Austria and then to Switzerland. We want to fly out of Zurich. Where do we begin planning for our time in Switzerland. We want the alps experience the small village experiences. I think we would have 5 or 6 days in Switzerland.

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501 posts

Five or six days for Switzerland will be a good start as an appetizer for Switzerland. You didn't state which month you would be traveling. I think getting your hands on some guidebooks would be your best starting point. Most of us posters are partial to Rick Steves GB's. also, go to top of this page an enter whatever topic you wish in "search" box, and see responses from past questions, the three countries you've chosen are routinely discussed.

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12040 posts

If you're coming from the east and flying out of Zürich, consider the high altitude mountain community of Flumserberg. It's kind of like a weekend getaway for Zurich residents. You can reach it by public transportation via bus from the town of Flums in the valley below, but it's easier if you'll have a rental car. PS- What time of year? Did you post earlier that you're traveling in April? This is the absolute worst month to visit the Alps. Many Alpine communities virtually shut down their hospitality industries, and the weather is usually lowsy.