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Saturday Night Versailles Alert!!

It seemed a good plan. Arrive around 3 to see and photograph the fountains. See the interior. Then return to leisurely explore the grounds, supposedly open until sunset. Even the long (even by French standards, didn't know the cafe was so crowded around the bend) wait for a dessert crepe at lunch didn't alter the presumed soundness of the idea.

However, after leaving the Chateau (shorter line when we entered and still a bit crowded; especially the Hall of we were denied re-entry to the grounds and others were leaving. Seems that Saturday nights in the summer feature illuminated nighttime fountain and firework displays-at additional cost. Probably looks great, but a night THAT late wasn't in the cards for us.

I'm fully aware that guide book info becomes dated upon publication; but with all the changes in progress at Versailles, I thought I could depend upon the appropriate page on this site to have the most up to date info. It was, in fact, one of the last things I checked before leaving. All 3 week trips have peaks and valleys, so I try to roll with it and keep a clear head. But this was a case where it got to me a bit more because the lack of information could have been otherwise.

Hope I don't come across as a whiner, my only aim is to save other similar frustration. Cheers.

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