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Safe driving

Early November driving from Ramstein,Germany to Venice,Italy thru Switzerland to Milano route. Should I be concerned about the section of road thru the Alps.


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6 posts

Craig, Expect wet and rainy conditions. If taking the autobahn through the alps your drive should be easy with no problems. It does not get too cold for the rain/light snow to freeze to the roads within the alps. It does get windy in certain areas and always be cautious. Drivers in Germany and Switzerland follow the rules and regulations, Italy is a different story. Hope that helps. Safe Travels, ardie

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12040 posts

A snowstorm significant enough to affect traffic is unlikely in early November, even in the Alps. Fog is more likely, though.

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19159 posts

View of the Brenner Pass highway from train.

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12172 posts

I drove the Brenner Pass in mid October. The road is well made, wide with no sharp turns or steep hills (that I can remember). I would think you could drive the Brenner Pass any time of year without trouble.

I haven't driven the other route any time of year so I can't comment on it.

Posted by
2925 posts

Hi Craig,

We've driven in the Dolomites in mid to late October on 4 trips the past few years. We've experienced pretty good weather on all the trips and no problems even on themountain passes in the Dolomites. We saw no signs of snow at all. The Brenner Pass is a major highway, not a pass in the sense of switchbacks and high altitudes by any means. Every year (and day) is different, these are simply our experiences.


Posted by
53 posts

Everyone -- Thanks for your information. We feel more confident to drive these routes.

