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Posted by
638 posts

Do you think they'll start charging passengers for saying the words "Ryanair"? Afterall, it is probably copywrited and we're using their name!

Posted by
10344 posts

The airlines' next move will be: Take out half the seats in Economy and install hang down straps like in subway cars. Then they'll say, "Oh, you want a seat? The seat surcharge is $400."

Posted by
4555 posts

BTW....also an interesting reference lower in the story about Ryanair planning to close its check-in desks, and getting everyone to check in, on-line.

Posted by
2349 posts

Well, I suppose putting a coin slot in the door would be better than having an attendant in there that you have to tip!

Posted by
4555 posts

To misquote Bill Cosby...."How long can you hold water?"

Posted by
2349 posts

It really makes you think about the exchange rate. Maybe you'd be willing to go if that pound coin cost you $1.50, but what if it cost you $2.00?

Norm, you have started us on a low road.

Posted by
16123 posts

They'll never go ahead with this.

People will buy less drinks if they know they have to pay to use the loo.

And, I don't think the government would allow it. It's not like you could go somewhere else to use the facilities. You can bring you own food on board so as not to have to buy what Ryanair sells...but this?

Posted by
118 posts

Gives new meaning to the term "piddling your money away."

Posted by
4555 posts

Karen, our exchange rate currently, that GB pound is already $2.00!!

Posted by
9371 posts

I have a feeling that it's just a publicity thing. I can't imagine they would really try to do it.

Posted by
187 posts

Not to be gross, but I remember when I used to fly as a private pilot there were ads for "personal comfort" bottles to be used when there was too much air between your needs and the ground below. Egads! I don't even want to think about the outcome should this come to pass! There'll be an extra charge to choose your seatmate!