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Running with the Bulls

Anyone did this yet? What else is their to do in Pamploma? Going to be there for four days and one of the day's I'm running, but what can I do on the other days?

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324 posts

My best advice for the running of the bulls is to be a spectator rather than a participant. I have partaken in several "encierros" (Running around inside a bullring with the bull.) and it is a terrifying, exhilarating experience. This being so, ignore my advice and go for it. However, you should keep several things in mind. Every year several people get seriously or fatally gored during the running of the bulls. I can't remember the last time a victim wasn't either an American or an Australian. This is a polite way of saying that locals don't get gored, largely because they know what they're doing. If you are going to run, I suggest that you not do so until you have had the opportunity to observe several "races". Watch the way the locals move, how they fall, where they position themselves within a crowd, etc. You may not have a reservation for a place to stay during your stay. This means that you will spend one or more nights passed out in a public park with thousands of other revelers. (The same pool of people from whom each years victims are chosen.) Few times, if ever, during the rest of your life will you be as consistently drunk, hung-over, smelly and distracted as during the San Fermines. While this is a fabulous opportunity to experience the punk lifestyle, it is hardly the recommended way to maintain razor sharp reflexes and a cool head. In general, the night before running, the locals will avoid getting blindingly drunk. There is probably a good reason to follow their example. Should you happen to fall, cover your head and go limp. Let the crowd and the bulls go over you. Don't try and roll out of the way, you'll run the risk of attracting the bulls' attention. This is similar to the instinct to try and swim out of a strong wave that's overtaken you while bodysurfing. The more you try and fight the wave, the harder it'll hit you.

As for the rest of your stay, drink, party and try not to break your neck diving into the fountain. Have fun!

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4555 posts

Take a bus up to San Sebastian for a day...or maybe an overnight. Great city, small and doable in 1 day, and less than an hour away. For an overnight stay for sure, try Zaragosa, site of the World's Fair this year. About an hour and a half by bus from Pamplona.

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805 posts

I would pass personally. Somehow the thought of getting trampled by either a bull or other runners doesn't sound like a great thing. It's scary enough when they show it on ESPN2 every year.

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9369 posts

Andrew, if you are intent on running with the bulls on one day of your trip, you might not have to worry about what to do the other days. Spending vacation in the hospital (or worse) doesn't sound like a good use of your time. Best get some travel insurance, including med evac.