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Rue Rick Steves on HGTV

Okay, hands many of you have dreamed of moving to Paris and perhaps even living on Rue Rick Steves? On a recent episode of House Hunters International, an American woman did just that. She looked at three apartments, two in the 7th and one in the 2nd, and took the one on Rue Rick Steves. It's a semi-furnished studio for $1400/month. The episode was taped a few months ago.

Posted by
9436 posts

I saw that show, it was fun to watch. And, she got a job with Fat Tire Bike Tours! Boy, I sure did envy her!

Posted by
570 posts

I saw it, too! I wondered what job she had, and then I saw the bike tour. How cool!

Posted by
10553 posts

I saw it last week. We stayed at Rue Rick our first time to Paris. We were very excited to see Marco, our local crepe maker. They showed him in the intro and later in the show. Our daughter even recognized him from pictures we have with him. I will be back in Paris in October, and although I no longer stay on Rue Rick I will go see Marco and let him know he was on TV!!

Posted by
358 posts

My son has worked for 2 private French companies in the past 8 years and both companies had to write a letter why he should be hired rather than a french person. In addition both companies had to pay over a thousand dollars to hire him. Now that he has dual american-france citizenship this is not longer an issue.

Posted by
1976 posts

I saw that show also; I watched it with my sister who loves everything French and really wants to go to Paris. But how easy is it for Americans to get jobs in Europe? If the bike company needed a native English speaker, wouldn't they have hired someone from the British Isles? I heard that companies and organizations in Europe need to prove why they can't find a qualified EU citizen to hire, before they can consider American applicants. Is this true?

Posted by
1326 posts

Wow, I missed it too. Hope they show it again. There's another HHI episode where a young woman and her mother look for a place in Paris and they find one in Montmartre. I wondered how she got a working visa too.

Posted by
9436 posts

Sarah, When we did a tour with Fat Tire we got to talking with many of the employees and they said the company is owned by an American. The owner is from Texas, and most, if not all, of their employees are from Texas. The young woman on the episode last week was from Texas. I'm guessing an American owned company can hire Americans easily, unlike a French owned company. There's an "American Diner" in the 5th arrondissement called "Breakfast in America" that is owned by an American guy, and he only hires Americans as well. Grier has a good point, I'm wondering if they're still required to have work permits... I'd love to know how it works exactly.

Posted by
1976 posts

Thanks, Grier and Susan. I saw the HHI with that girl who bought a studio apt. in Montmartre and wondered how she got a work visa. Maybe the laws are different for privately owned companies than for universities or civil service-type organizations.

Posted by
1976 posts

Byron - that's interesting about your son. It sounds like it's definitely possible for foreigners to find jobs in Europe but there's a lot of hoop-jumping.