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Rue Cler, Paris

I have not been back to the Rue Cler neighborhood in three years. I am suggesting several hotels in this neighborhood to friends that will be going for the first time in May. The last time I was there I was very surprised at the number of homeless who had made their home at the corner of Rue Cler and Rue Champs de Mars--right next to the Café Marché--throwing beer bottles, spitting, falling down, taking off clothes. I was wondering if there has been any improvement to what was a major drawback and annoyance at the time. Thank you for any recent experiences.

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711 posts

Hi Laurie... We go every year to France and were in Paris in late September and late October and early November. We always stay at the Champ du Mars right there almost at the corner.I did see some homeless , but I do not think they were very active or at least they did not seem to be very noticeable. They used to be across from the Cafe Marche by the bulk food grocery store. The bikes are there now, and the patissiere that is on the opposite corner has remodeled and patrons of the bakery come out the side of the store. I did see some homeless down by the bank across from the Levecque Hotel. Actually, they were sleeping in the lobby at night . None of this seemed to be bothersome at all. They were just doing their own thing.

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360 posts

I also was in Paris late oct/early nov last yr & noticed the homeless across from Cafe Marche & also sleeping along where the bike are kept. I walked along that short street to the Beaugency Hotel. They were quiet, but they were there. One day they were missing. I asked about them & was told that the area was making an attempt to move them on. A day or two later they were back.

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12040 posts

I was there over a year ago, and I didn't see any homeless people... but of course, this was in the winter.

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515 posts

Last June, we stayed at the Leveque. Don't recall seeing any homeless anywhere around the area.

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689 posts

Last trip I saw 2 regular homeless guys on Rue Cler. They were fat and their dogs were skin and bones which made me quite sad. But it was nothing like the Seine boat cruise where I saw hundreds of tents that serve as homeless housing lining the river.

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518 posts

There were homeless people outside the grocery store last July, but they were just there -- that's all. No begging or loud talking. They were just there.

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32318 posts

On my last trip to Paris, I noticed several homeless people in the Rue Cler area. There was a building down the street from the Grand Hotel Leveque that had scaffolding set up, and they had their sleeping bags under the scaffold (provided a bit of cover from the weather). They didn't seem to be panhandling, and I never had any problems with them so wasn't too concerned about them.

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6788 posts

I was there in October, and stayed at Hotel Kensington just off Rue Cler. Yes, there were always a few homeless hanging out on Rue Cler itself, mostly/usually sitting on the sidewalk outside one of the grocery stores. They seemed quite content and in good spirits, as they were getting regular handouts. They were somewhat aggressive at times and appeared to be permanent fixtures there. It reminded me of home - where we seem to do everything we can to attract and encourage our own homeless.

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875 posts

Remember: There are MANY wonderful places to stay in Paris without being on Rue Cler or even in that area.

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448 posts

Agreeing with several above posters...there are homeless everywhere; and you don't have to confine your hotel choices to Rue Cler...Plus don't be sad about those tents along the river..most are supplied by private help the homeless organizations to give some shelter to people who choose not to go into the government provided temporary housing.

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18 posts

Hi Laurie,

We were there a year ago and I don't recal seeing any homeless people. I live in Chicago and see homeless people everyday so maybe I am just use to it. I loved it in that area.