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Route des Grandes Alpes in June

I am interested in traveling from Chamonix to Nice through Route des Grandes Alpes in early June. From what I read on the web, it is easily doable in 2 days - 8hr per day driving without major excursions. Is it correct? What does the road look like (I assume it's mostly 1 lane per direction, with speed limit around 50mi/hr)? Is there any risk of having part of the road closed in early June?

Thanks in advance,

Posted by
1167 posts

According to the official website:
the road is open from "early June" through October. They also suggest that it takes a total of 19 hours of driving. That would be a lot in 2 days on those roads.

Posted by
1358 posts

From one Texan to another.

I agree with Jeff. Driving the Alps is physically tiring. Don't count on averaging 50 mph. You will want to stop at the many photo opportunities. And you might want to stop to eat! Plan on more than parts of 2 days.

The road will vary in condition and width in each area.

Do a web search and you will find photos of the road if you want to know what it looks like.

the closer you get to Nice the more congestion you will find. The road widens but you may not travel faster.

You ask about risk of road closing. There is ALWAYS the risk of repairs and construction when you travel. You remember!

Posted by
3313 posts

I can't add any advice, but I looked at the website and the drive looks like the one James Bond drove in Goldfinger. I hope the weather is good in June (I've had rotten luck) and you can do it! Otherwise, tour through Burgundy and Provence. It will be beautiful there.

Posted by
49 posts

Thanks for the replies. I think I will reduce my drive on this route to a minimum and stay on the main road for other scenic drives.