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Route de Napolean OR down through Italy

My husband and I have 8-10 daysdriving in France (we are still finalizing w/only 2 weeks to go!!), we'll start in Chamonix & then want to make our to Provance & S. of France (we guess), is it best to go through Italy to Nice and then circle back on the route de napolean? Anyone been through there or have suggestions? We have to fly in and out of Geneva.

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9110 posts

To get to somewhere near Cannes from Chamonix along Napoleon's route you're looking at about eight hours of road time. Using the freeways through Italy would make it closer to five hours. The scenery is marginally better on the longer route, but unless I wanted to take the long way for historical reasons, I think, I'd just sprint and get it over with. Going through Italy would toss in Monaco and San Remo if you wanted to put a couple of extra country notches in your belt. That's my answer to what I think is the first part of the question.

For part two: Heading back, you want to do neither, probably, since poking around in Provence will keep you working west (Marseille, Aix, Arles, Avignon, Orange, Nimes, etc). When you're done, scoot back up the freeway to Geneva -- it's about four hours from Nimes, maybe three from Orange.

If I've blown it, unscrew me and I'll try again.

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81 posts

We did that drive from Grenoble to Nice years ago and thoroughly enjoyed the scenery. I love driving anyway so the duration was no issue. We just took our time and stopped for lunch along the way. If the weather is not good on your way it for the return if you have the time.

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2876 posts

We've driven the Route Napoleon. It's a great drive. It's very scenic with lakes, mountain ranges, forests, meadows, etc. It's about a 4-5 hour drive between Grenoble and Cannes - but it'll take you longer because you'll definitely want to stop at some of the picturesque towns you'll pass through, particularly Gap and Castellane.

The more mountainous parts of it can be very white-knuckle with steep drop-offs, no guardrails, hairpin turns, etc - while you're being passed by speeding - and I mean speeding - motorcyclists, or maybe encountering a herd of sheep on the road.

Be sure to fill your tank before you start.