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We're thinking about Rome in late September??? Any input on less tourists, lower hotel fares and smaller crowds at places of interest then? I read the following yesterday. The primo time to visit Rome is from April to June or from late September through October. You avoid the heat, the tourists and the highest prices at these times. Winter is an option, but be prepared for the inevitable museum closings and renovations, as well as shorter hours. But if all you need is a fix of "la dolce vita" and maybe a plate of spaghetti carbonara, then a quick trip in January and February will be easiest on the wallet.

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255 posts

Jerry..... You might want to post this in the "To The Boot" section for answers on Italy.

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3250 posts

Jerry, We were in Rome late September last year and it was hotter and busier than I expected. Don't know how our experience compares to other years. Still, it's a great time visit.

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192 posts

I was in Rome in early October last year and thought it was a very nice time to be there. We stayed at Nardizzi Americana which was a very nice mid range hotel and it was about 110 euros night.

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8 posts

We've been to Rome twice in September. It's a great time, but still relatively busy. First time it rained like crazy, but that didn't stop us from enjoying it. Second time it was hotter than expected. It's an amazing city! Enjoy.