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Romantic Road, Salzburg and Vienna in 14 days--train or car?

My mother and I are flying into Frankfurt in mid June and spending 2 weeks. We want to do Romantic Road, are spending night for Passion play, Munich, Salzburg and Vienna. Suggestions for best way to do this trip--car, train or combination?

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10 posts

A car is the best way to go, it gives you more flexability and also saves on travel time. Just get you a GPS with european maps before you go or if you already have one, go on line and see if you can download the maps on your GPS, you might have to buy a SD card and put it in your GPS and downloadm the European maps if your GPS doesn't have enogh memory.

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837 posts

Pamela, I think a lot depends upon what you want to do in Munich, Salzburg and Vienna. Definitely, a car is best for the Romantic Road. If in the three cities, you are planning in spending the time in the cities, I would say return the car upon arrival in Munich and take trains thereafter. If you are going to Munich and then down to Fuessen, you might keep the car for that and the passion play; if Munich after the Fuessin/Oberamergou section return car upon arrival in Munich. If you are planning to see areas outside Salzburg and Vienna, keep the car and drive.