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Rhine, Mosel & Bergenstrasse Stay

We're planning a trip to tour some of Germany's castles; as many as we can fit into 3 weeks, and I'm looking for a castle to stay in. I'm looking for a real castle; not one that's been remodeled, refurbished and modernized. They all look incredible from the outside but they are no longer castles on the inside. I understand the whole electricity, plumbing thing, but I'd truly LOVE to experience at least one night, maybe two if its affordable, in an authentic castle, with tapestries on the walls and wash basins in the bedrooms and torchlight in the hallways and candles for light, and yes, even bathing in a tub before a hot fire and all that comes along with it. Does anyone know if and where such an experience is possible? I find it hard to imagine that I'm the only person on the planet looking for such an experience. Staying in a castle would be amazing! I'd just like it to ba an actual castle experience. Am I to be dissapointed?? thank you.

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1521 posts

You mentioned wash basins but not chamber pots? I wonder if there are not sanitation codes that apply to places that take in roomers? Good luck, Gary

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11294 posts

This doesn't directly answer your question, but here is a Helpline thread on "authentic" castles in Europe: You will see that there are some discussions of which ones have been modernized and take visitors. Some of the posters on that thread seem to know a lot about the castles, so you could also send a private message to them if you don't get answers here.

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12040 posts

You won't find what you're looking for, because hotels and guest houses need to follow modern sanitation, and fire safety laws. Any castle that fits your criterea is either a ruin or a museum. There's a few well-known refurbished lodging options along the Rhine, so I'll let others lay those out for you. If by " Bergenstrasse" you meant the Bergstrasse that runs from Darmstadt to Heidelberg, Starkenburg above Heppenheim operates a youth hostel, and the ruins of Stahlenburg above Schriesheim contain a hotel and restaurant, although this is little more than a modern building constructed against the shell of the castle. If you meant the Burgenstrasse, Burg Hirschhorn in Hirschhorn is a very nice castle hotel on a scenic bend of the Neckar River. Also, the walled historic town of Büdigen north of Frankfurt has a Schloß hotel. This is probably as close as I can think of what you had in mind.

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8 posts

I was afraid of that...Thank you for the suggestions and the information.I will continue to do my research and get as close to authentic as I can I guess. It will still be an incredible trip.

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13 posts

Eilean, We were looking for much the same adventure as you and I happened upon Berg Hornburg castle on the Neckar river in the Neckar valley just below Heidleberg. It is an authentic castle from the 11th century and while the rooms we stayed in was very modern and very nice,you are sleeping in a castle. It's way up on the side of the valley complete with vinyards and ruins, and very pleasant staff. My wife and 2 college age sons had a blast. I believe this castle is listed in Ricks book. Good luck...Mark

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122 posts

My son and I stayed in Burg Stahleck in Bacharach, an 800 year old castle on the Rhein river. It's in a wonderful location - the only draw-back: it's a hostel where you are given bedding to make you own (bunk) bed and you'll may have to share your room with a stranger. Our room had a bunk and a single bed in the Turmzimmer (tower room). By 9 pm we had the room to ourselves. Then there was a knock on the door. An 18 yr old Japanese student was assigned the 3rd bed. He had come straight from Japan to Frankfurt and then to Bacharach. We showed him how to set up his bed. We met some delightful international travellers while staying in the castle. The view from the terrace is magnificant. The price is right: 24 Euros/night and that includes a hearty buffet breakfast. You need reservation - that castle stay is extremely popular!