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Can one share a plate in sit down restaurants? My husband and I are seniors and very small eaters but want to enjoy the good food of Paris without wasting money on food being left on plate.

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852 posts

Hi Sue,
... Use your mouse to copy, then paste the above link into your Internet search box and touch ENTER on your computer keyboard. voila! >> Tom's Guide to Paris! For food information, find EATING on the home page of Tom's link and click on it.
... Our experience with eating in Paris is that you won't want to share a plate (ordinarily too little on it, first of all ... and it's not generally done). Even so, there are places described in the EATING section of Tom's guide where you may eat to your heart's content -or not- at reasonable prices, too. [We suggest you investigate the restaurant that Tom recommends above all the rest.] When will you have the next opportunity to do that?
... bon appétit! P

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506 posts

Generally, it is not recommended to "share" in Paris. It is not uncommon to be charged an additional fee in some restaurants.

You will find overall the portions served here are what a normal portion should be rather than the oversized version in America.

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8293 posts

Sue, if you try to eat your evening meal quite late, you may have more of an appetite. Also, you could forgo the appetizer course so you can fully enjoy the main course. I think sharing a dessert would likely be acceptable.

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1455 posts

Jona is right. I am in Paris right now and the portion are perfect for 1. My niece though eats like a bird so we get her the appetizer portion and its perfect for her. We do offer her food from our plate and no one has frowned ... as of we know.

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54 posts

My husband and I ate out our first night in Paris (early June) at Le Bosquet in the Rue Cler part of town (45 Avenue Bosquet). We were not very hungry and each ordered the onion soup then shared a plate of smoked salmon with greens. I had a glass of wine and he had a beer. It was just perfect and the wait person was very nice and had no problem with our order. Food was great and from the looks of other tables it looked like all of the food would be good.
The total was $35.7 euro. We were not rushed nor were we bugged to order more than we wanted.
Would have gone back a 2nd time but was too interested in exploring other places.

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448 posts

What i often do is ask that the entrée (which in English is the appetizer or starter) be served for me as the plat principal..then i have that as the same time as my husband gets his main dish. Works fine as long as you're doing à la carte.