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Restaurants in Bruges

Any suggestions around the center?

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23562 posts

We hit two or three around the square and they all were fine. There was one directly across from the town hall or immediately to your left if you face the statue that we went to twice. Good beer.

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12040 posts

I've been to a few, and none of them stand out in my memory. Decent food, but completely interchangeable, and most of them offer a similar menu. But if you want to splurge on an unforgettable meal a little farther out from the Grote Markt area, look up De Karmeliet. It currently boasts the much-coveted 3 star rating from Michelin.

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263 posts

RockFort is a small, hip place to eat that is just a few blocks (east I think) from the Markt. We dined there last year and it was one of my wife's favorite restaurants. It's actually 2 restaurants in 1 I believe. I think Rick's guidebooks have it listed. If you want a cool cocktail, try the Hypnotic. It's blue.

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186 posts

I would have to recommend Cafe t'oost. It's a little cafe not far from the the train station serving breakfast, brunch, lunch with husband and wife owners who pride themselves on quality. It's easy to walk right by it, if you're not hungry, or focusing your attention toward town center. We, fortunately, did not. Their approach is somewhat organic, with a mix of their own hybrid Euro-Bio creations. It's popular with the locals, at least that's what we saw the day we were there. Menus available in Flemish, French, and English, and the husband owner loves to chat it up with Americans. In conversation with the husband owner, come to find out they also serve the traditionally made local brew, Straffe Hendrik triple. Enjoy!