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restaurant with view of Eiffel Tower

I have read the restaurants at the Eiffel tower are quite pricey. Instead I thought dining at a restaurant with a view of the Eiffel tower may be a nice compromise. Thoughts? Suggestions?

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9110 posts

Top of the Montparnasse Tower. Le Ciel de Paris. Pricey also, but if you work the menu you can come out okay. It has the best night view in the city.

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12040 posts

I seem to recall there was a cafe on the top floor of the Centre Pompidou (although my memory might be playing tricks on me). I enjoyed the view from here much more than I did the art in the rest of the building.

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8293 posts

You are right, Tom. It is called "George" and has an outdoor terrace. The tables have large white umbrellas, which when closed down look like Dominican monks standing on the tables. Or maybe I had had too much wine with lunch?

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9110 posts

I thought Tom had lost his head until my wife unscrewed mine. You're going to have to look a bit to find the restaurant (named 'Georges' for some odd reason). What you'll see as you go in is a snack bar on the second level (right side) open to the mezzaine - - this ain't the place. The restaurant's on the roof top and the view is spectacular - - the Notre Dame towers are right in your face and, due to it's bulk and relative height, the view of Sacre Coeur is as good as you're going to get. From what I can remeber, the ET was rather fuzzed out by smog/haze (it's about three miles away) and it was up-sun. An hour or after dark it would have been better. Prices were a bit better than Le Ciel, I think, but you'll still have to bring an extra wallet.

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9110 posts

C'est bien, Adam, vous avez résolu le mystère puante. A partir de maintenant, dans le cadre de la résolution de mon nouvel an je vais mettre uniquement en français. O tal vez sólo voy a hacer garabatos en Castillano. Or maybe quit staying up all night reading history until my eyes bleed. The entertainment is over, I can't spell in Japanese and my accent really sucks. And for the record, it took me seven evers to figure out how to make the damn accent marks.