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Will be in Switzerland for 10 days starting late February. Will be doing a lot of traveling around and considering a Swiss Flex Saver Pass for me and my wife. How hard is it to get just a seat reservation for a train if needed? Can you just get a reservation from an automated ticket machine, or would I have to wait in line to talk to someone at a desk/behind a counter?

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45 posts

Hello Robert,
Michael is right on, just regular train travel, just get on board. But before you do that, make sure you get your ticket validated at the first train station you come to. Learn how to read a train schedule. If you know where you are going ahead of time, you can get on the SBB website, , fill in blanks and come up with a train schedule. If you miss a train, depends where you are, another one will usaully come again within an hour or sooner. It is easy and Swiss trains are on time.
Where you may have to make a reservation is on the special tour trip trains, Golden Pass,William Tell Express, Bernina Express,and Glacier Express. Rick Steve's book on Switzerland explains this in details. Hope this helps, Gute Reise!

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9109 posts

For regular domestic inter-city trains in Switzerland, seat reservations are not possible. With a pass you simply hop-on and off the trains you need to take, no need to go to a ticket window or use an automated machine. This feature in itself makes Swiss passes worth it:)

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1358 posts

I have found it best always to talk with a RR clerk when buying tickets. Often he can print an itinerary for you and answer all your questions.

Machines are OK if you know the system and understand the limits of a ticket. I have never reserved seats.

If you want to reserve seats do it as soon as you hit town.

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1568 posts

We never had a problem finding a seat in Switzerland or any other country.