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RENFE Trains - 62.5 days

The train travel we've booked in Spain is reasonably priced (IMHO). The exception for us is Madrid to Cordoba at 70 Euro each. That price seems steady whether it is for next week, sixty two (+/- 3) days from now, or further out then that.

Is there a specific time of day to find the magic discounts that keep being discussed on this forum and in the RS guide?

Thanks, as always.

Also, is it true that the train in Spain runs mostly on the plain?

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4555 posts

If you use the opening English screen (Schedules), you will get pop up bubbles that just list the regular prices. If you click on them, you will go to the "Purchase" page where you will find the discount fares. So when you get to the English page, take a short cut and just click on "Purchase" towards the upper right....saves a step.
The fares are loaded in starting at midnight in Spain...about 3 pm the afternoon before in Bellevue. It may take them a couple of hours to load all the new fares in, so anything after dinner time your way should be good to gain access to them. And you still get a jump on the Europeans, who are mostly fast asleep. Madrid-Cordoba can be had for about 27 Euro pp one-way for a second class "Web" special.

Posted by
106 posts

Another Pygmalion Quote: I think I've got it!"
I just saw a recommendation to make your initial click on the RENFE site "Purchase" instead of "Schedules". It does seem to take you to a similar looking schedule screen but one that shows (a limited number of) discounted prices.

Any ideas on what time of day (and in which time zone) these discounts are first posted?

Posted by
106 posts

Thanks for the confirmation - using the purchase button does exactly what is needed. And I did see the web specials pop right up in mid-afternoon local time!