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red light district amsterdam

Hi I have read that the red light district will be changing in Amsterdam. I am traveling to Europe this summer and some of our party wanted to see this. Will it be gone as it used to be with the windows displays of the girls by June?

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1158 posts

Try to do a google search. I am sure you'll find some local English language newspapers taht talk about it.
Too bad , if they get rid of it. I've been there once, it looked interesting and cool.

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6788 posts

I wouldn't worry too much. Amsterdam's red light district is as much a part of the city's culture as wooden shoes and windmills. I don't know anything about the "changes" you're referring to, but can't imagine they would eliminate or significantly change things. More likely just some minor fiddling around the edges (probably minor enough that the casual tourist visitor wouldn't notice). Don't worry - I'm sure there will be plenty to gawk at when you go.

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9109 posts

From what some friends in Amsterdam have told me: as of Jan 1st, about half of the windows were permanently shut down through some sort of eminent domain type of purchase by the city. The other half of the windows are still in "business" and there are no plans to shut the remaining windows. In addition restrictions on coffeehouses have increased over the past 12 months, they may not be within a certain distance of schools or churches and those that were selling both alcohol and marijuana were told to pick just one or the other and a significant portion have chosen to just sell booze; but there are still a lot of traditional coffeehouses around.