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Real Madrid futbol/soccer tickets

I am so lost trying to purchase a ticket to a Real Madrid soccer game in Feb 2011. On their own website, one link shows the game in Madrid and another shows it as an away game. The Spanish version of Ticketmaster will sell me a home game ticket, but doesn't sell tickets for the opposing team's home games. I don't mind paying a ticket service if necessary and have the travel freedom to go to whichever town the game is being played in. Has anyone successfully bought soccer tickets in Spain? Any suggestions appreciated!

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9109 posts

Here's the official schedule:

Here's the official ticket agent:

The agent isn't selling tickets for matches next season yet, so you need wait for a while. They may not even begin selling tickets to the exact match you want until several weeks before kick-off. None of February's opponents are big-time rivals, so you shouldn't have any problems securing tickets from the official site.

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106 posts

More generally, where can one find out about soccer schedules and tickets for games in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville or Granada for late October or early November this year?