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RE: Bavaria to Italy in September-Augsburg instead of Munich?

Kent and Darla, thanks for the tips on car vs train from the Rhine to Munich. You were right about the cost of accomodations in Munich during Oktoberfest! Whew! So, now I'm looking for someplace outside of the city, but easily accessed by the train, and I'm considering Augsburg as the place for accomodations while we explore Munich and Oktoberfest. Any place in/near Augsburg you might suggest?

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19159 posts

If you find that the accommodations in Augsburg during Oktoberfest are also high, try Nördlingen (, Donauwörth (, or Landsberg ( All are a short train trip from Augsburg (and then to Munich), and are on the Romantic Road and worth seeing in their own right.

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6 posts

Yes, I'm seeing some more options now. Thank you all for the suggestions and links.