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Quick trip to London from Paris

We are planning on going to Paris for Spring Break with our daughters, ages 6 and 9. We thought it would be fun to take a day trip to London, since it appears to be only 2.5 hours via rail. Any thoughts??? Too much??? Would it be worth it??? Thank you in advance!

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9109 posts

It's doable for adults but with small children it would make for a long day. Rick's Paris guidebook has an entire chapter dedicated to doing the London day trip efficiently.

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10344 posts

Yes, the Chunnel and European high speed trains make it feasible to do London as a daytrip from Paris--but Michael is right (as usual), it would be a long, tiring day for a 6- and 9-year old.

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317 posts

I would have to agree with the two previous posters -- a little much for a 6 and 9 year old. It is certainly doable -- in fact, I just did Paris (from London) in a day over Thanksgiving. I can tell you, though, that while the four adults who were traveling with me all had a grand time, we were all absolutely exhausted by the end of it.

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2 posts

I'd definitely do it! It would be a long day, but If your girls can sleep on the train then go for it!

I'd recommend once you get to London to go the route of the hop on and hop off bus--the Big Bus group is great. (
Be sure to stop and take the London Eye--it is great for kids and you can purchase the tickets over the internet as well--which usually saves time from standing in line!There are so many fabulous things to see. If you can get there in time to see the changing of the Guards, I'd think that would be something great for the kids. Probably more fun to get close to the guard band by waiting down the side street as opposed to all the crowds right in front of Buckingham Palace. You can almost touch them! The other thing my girls loved was shopping at Top Shop--MUCH better prices than Paris! And very trendy for girls! Try to see the London Tower--the crown jewels are what imaginations are made for.

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20 posts

Thank you for the replies. We have amended our trip to spend 5 days in Paris, take the Eurostar to London, spend several days there and fly out from Heathrow.