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Questions upon my return from Paris...

Wondering why:

the fountains and lights in front of the Troccadero weren't on the 2 nights I was there?
the beautiful lamps all across the Pont Alexander weren't on either?
the Eiffel Tower is blue this year and was cream colored last year?

Just wondering. :-)

(Loved Paris!)

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448 posts

...i live out of town so wait unti Jona answers for the details..all i know is that this year France has the "presidency" of the EuropeanUnion and its color is Blue...

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506 posts

Regina is correct - the Eiffel Tower was switched to blue lights as of 1st July to celebrate the French 6 month term as the Presidency of the European Union.

Also - there is a fabulous video display on the Assembly Nationale and along the Champs Elysees there are French and EU flags waving as well as at the Arc de Triomphe.

The fountains are not on everyday - typically during holiday weeks less is on - as the French are out and about elsewhere. Although - one can never tell the logic with the Marie de Paris - typically not as tourist oriented as one might think - otherwise the Metro would be running fully during August - which if you weren't aware it isn't - long waits makes me crazy only because I know it can be faster. And yes 5 minutes is long mid-day on Monday for the line 1.....

Glad to hear you enjoyed your trip.

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26 posts

Thanks Regina and Jona. I appreciate your insights. :-)

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60 posts

Were the EU stars mounted on the front side of the Eiffel tower when you were there? That gave it away for me... also at night once every hour or so they turn on a bunch of twinkling lights. It's neat and all, but the funny thing is if you stand underneath it when they turn it on everyone there goes "oooh" all of a sudden.

PS - Just for anyone reading, let me say it again: if you have a romantic ideal of the eiffel tower, DO NOT attempt to go up it when it's busy. You will waste hours of your life and it will give you a bitter taste in your mouth when you see it again. There's nothing like being trapped up in there waiting for over an hour just to get back down.

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26 posts

Joel- Thanks for writing.
Yes, I saw the stars. I didn't realize they represent the members of the EU. Thanks.

As for a romantic evening in the Eiffel Tower, let me suggest that readers consider making a dinner reservation for the lower level restaurant (Altitude 95, I think).
We did and we by-passed ALL of the long lines of people waiting to go up. From the time we arrived on site to the time we were seated was probably about 45 minutes. (9 pm dinner reservations, btw.)

p.s. be sure to catch the short multimedia presentation on the building of the Eiffel Tower and the videos and photos of fireworks there over the years! Same general area as Altitude 95.