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Questions about traveling through Germany by train

We are planning on starting at Heidelberg, then on to Baden Baden, Rothenberg o.d.t., and Auschafenburg. From Auschafenburg we go home via Frankfurt Main.
Can anyone tell me what is the best means of transportation between these cities? I have been looking at rental car options for a fifteen day trip and with the currency exchange between U.S.A. and the Euro, it is way too expensive. Are there taxi's waiting at the train station to take you to hotels, or do you have to take a bus?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you,

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19099 posts

Heidelberg to Baden-Baden would be best done with regional trains (1h15m to 1hr 45m) and a Baden-Wuerttemberg-Ticket (currently €28 for up to five people. Likewise, Rothenburg to Aschaffenburg could be done on regional trains with a €28 Bayern (Bavarian)-Ticket. Aschaffenburg to Frankfurt is a local RMV ticket (€10/person). Baden-Baden to Rothenburg is a little more complicated since you will be traveling in 2 German states (Laender). You could use both a Baden-Wuerttemberg- and a Bayern-Ticket, for €56, total. However, on a weekend, a €37 Schoenes-Wockenende-Ticket is valid on regional trains all over Germany, regardless of Land borders. For weekday travel, you can use the Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket (same conditions as the Schoenes-Wochenende-ticket) for €34 for the first person, €5 more for each person 2-5.

On weekdays, all tickets are valid after 9 AM. Prices are valid through 2009, probably high thereafter. Unless renewed by the Bahn, the Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket is due to expire Jan 31, 2010.

I haven't used a taxi in Germany in 20 years; I suspect you will see them around major train stations. There are usually a good selection of local buses at the train station, ask your hotel. In Rothenburg, most hotels are in the Fußganger (pedestrian) Zone, so you will probably have to walk - it's not far.

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8947 posts

These are lovely areas to ride the trains through, very nice scenery. Train stations will of course have taxis in front of them, these are cream colored cars, and very often Mercedes. Many cities have not only buses, but trams too, called Strassenbahns. The train stations will have stops for both of these in front of them or off to the side.