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Question about stopping in Austria/Germany from Amstersdam to Switz.

We are going to be in Amsterdam for the U2 concernt end of July. AFter the concert we plan to takea train and head to Switzerland to spend 5 -6 days in the BO area. I also want to spend 1 day in Innbruck. This is what I was thinking
1. Take a train from Amsterdam and head towards SWitzerland, but stop in Munich for 1 or 2 day on the way.
2. Then head from Munich to Innsbruck
3. Then from Innsbruck to BO area for 5/6 days.

Any suggestions? We don't want to spend much time in Germany or Austria, just touch and go. Is there an alternative town we can hit on the way from Amsterdam to Switzerland for a day? Would it make sense to stop in Innsbruck on our way to Switzerland OR just stick with
Ammterdam-Switzerland and then head to Innsbruck?

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12040 posts

Makes more sense to just go to Switzerland then to Innsbruck, especially since Innsbruck is rather far from the Berner Oberland. Munich and Innsbruck would be a very long detour to have to return to Switzerland.

But that begs the question of why go to both in the first place? Both are very similar destinations. The difference being that the scenery is a little better in the Berner Oberland but Innsbruck and the surrounding area are much cheaper... "cheap" being a relative term here...

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188 posts


I have always wanted to go to Austria that why - but you suggest skipping it all together and heading to BO? No towns to stop on the way from Amsterdam to Switzerland in either Germany or Austria?

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534 posts

The Rhein River valley would be on the way. I cannot personally attest to it, but I am planning a trip there and am very excited about it.

Austria is out of the way - so it would depend how badly you want to see Austria?

Baden-Baden is great. Any interest in an all nude spa?