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Q re: Versailles

Our family will only be in Paris for 1 1/2 days. We have such a short time and want to make the most of it. We'll be coming from London on the Chunnel, arriving in Paris at 11:00. We leave the next day at 5:30 on the Chunnel back to London.
We plan on seeing the Louvre and the Eiffel tower (at least) on the first day.
My question is: Do we have time to do Versailles on our second day? Is this a bit too much considering we have to return to Paris and hop on the Chunnel by 5:30?

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506 posts

Therese -

It may be a tight schedule - but certainly workable if you can get everyone up and out of the hotel early. Train will take 20 - 30 minutes depending upon where you start.

The Chateau will open at 9 - it can easily take several hours going through the different apartments alone. The gardens - well, I can spend a day alone sitting and reading in a different corner wondering if Louis' water servants will come by to turn the fountains on.

Your key to a successful day will be having the Passport du Jour and the train. I would suggest dropping your luggage off at Gare du Nord or leave it at your hotel (whichever will be easiest to retrieve from later). It is a short walk from the train station to the Chateau (about 10 minute). The RER C will connect at St. Michel where you can change from the RER B, linge 4 to get to Gare du Nord for the Eurostar.

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1170 posts

We had spent a few days in Paris and decided to skip Versaille and instead concentrate on seeing a bit of Champs-Elysees, Sacre Coeur, Eiffel Tower.

My feeling would be that it's going to be a lot just from what I've read here and you have to be back to get the EUROSTAR which requires you to check in at a certain time. On our last day we had to rush to the station and the lines were long!

Just my 2 euros :-)