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Purchasing Train Tickets on

What is the best way to obtain tariffs and advance purchase train tickets on for a journey in France and Switzerland? The site states "For tickets outside of Germany, may be purchased in any DB ReiseZentrum, authorised travel agencies", or call internationally." I'm hoping to reserve and purchase in advance (especially since one leg is on the TGV), without calling internationally and without having to search for a location when there (have little children). Are you familiar of purchase locations in Paris and Chamonix (our starting destinations)? Is there a way to reserve in advance? Is calling the only option? Thank you so much for your help.

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9109 posts

There is no advantage to purchasing tickets ahead of time in Switzerland. In fact for regular domestic inter-city trains, advance reservations are not possible. You simply purchase your tickets right before you board the train.

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3 posts

I really appreciate your help. Interestingly, the France website does not show they have these specific journeys, and the Swiss website does. But the Swiss website cannot provide fares since part of the journey is in France. They directed me to go to the France website. Any advice on getting out of this cycle? The 2 journeys originate from France, one ends in Switzerland, and the other ends in France but travels through Switzerland. Thanks.

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163 posts

I've had similar questions, Patricia. General opinion on this board says to use for ticket purchases, but I still can't figure the website out (very un-userfriendly, in my opinion). I want to see the prices and understand the time tables, which has been difficult for me to do so far. I know that people say doesn't have the best prices or schedule options....but the site sure is easy to use and understand!

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19232 posts

Jodi, if you need help with the German Rail website (, read this section on my website. If that doesn't help, you can PM me for help. I have never found the website to be "un-userfriendly", but it is written mostly for Germans, so sometimes a little understanding of the language helps.

Also, understand that, although it has schedule information for all over Europe, as for buying tickets, it is strictly for travel in Germany, or, mostly, from Germany to immediately adjacent stations. If you want tickets for travel outside of Germany, you can always call them.

As for RailEurope, the best you can say is that it is "profit friendly". It is not a site for worthwhile schedule information. It is strictly a website for selling tickets (and railpasses). Only the trains for which they sell tickets are shown, and it is a small number of the total of trains in Europe, generally only the most expensive ones. And, they charge a lot more for the same tickets than what you would pay at a ticket counter in Europe, or online from a national rail website like

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8700 posts

Patricia - I assume you'll be going from Paris to Chamonix, right? What's your destination when you leave Chamonix? If you list your specific routes, we'll help you find the lowest fares.

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3 posts

As this is my first time using this helpline, I'm grateful for all your comments.

Jodi - hope Lee will be able to be of help to you. I've actually found the timetables easier to understand, it's the fares that aren't shown, and now as I am learning from Lee, they only show fares for travel in or stations immediately adjacent to Germany.

Other than purchasing for approx 33% more (based on other journey comparisons) on, my last resort was emailing help to, which actually directs me to, the French site and originating country of both our itineraries. Unfortunately, they are unable to help on why these itineraries do not show on their website, and recommend to call a SNCF agent directly or at a railway station or SNCF outlet.

I was about to figure how to call (don't have the right calling plan yet!), until Tim's message.

Tim - I appreciate your help. Are you with a company? I have the exact journeys and itineraries and am happy to send you a private message.

Thanks again to all!