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Public Transport from Eurodisney back to Paris at 11PM?

Are there trains/buses from Eurodisney Paris back to Central Paris after late closing at 11pm? We will have two young children (7 and 10 yrs) - is it safe to travel on trains this late? Is there a better alternative - like taxis and if so at what cost? Any guidance much appreciated.

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9109 posts

The RER trains run until 1:30am seven days a week. It's perfectly safe late at night, there will be lots of other Disney visitors on the train as well.

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8700 posts

RER A trains leave Marne La Vallee-Chessy (the Disneyland station) at 23:01, 23:16, 23:31, 23:46, 00:00, 00:15, and 00:20.

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506 posts

One thing to help you will be to purchase a roundtrip ticket (or a one way ticket if you are arriving by other means) upon arrival. Depending upon a station the information booth maybe closed at this time of night. The children will have reduced tickets prices - so be sure to ask for prix reduit for them.

Taxis ride will kill you from a cost perspective - easily 60 euros or more.

The ride from Disney to Paris is about 30 minutes. Leaving at 23h will give you plenty of time for metro change in Paris before the last train.

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4 posts

Thank you so much for your replies - puts my mind at ease about getting home so late on public transport.

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8700 posts

The single adult fare from Paris to Eurodisney is €6.45. For children under ten the fare is €3.20.