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Provence to Nice - Drive or Train?

We will be taking the train into Avignon this July from Paris. I'd like to base in St. Remy or Arles the 2 days we will be there... because these are two smaller towns, I'm thinking renting a car @ the Avignon train station might be a good idea. From Provence, we are spending 3 days in Nice. Once again, our base will be a smaller town, most likely Villefranche. Of course, we will do some sight seeing in Nice during the day. My question is - for our time starting in Avignon (with a base in St. Remy or Arles) to our time in Nice (base in Villefranche) should we rent a car or use train only? My fear is that we won't be able to get around by foot in our smaller base towns. Ideas?!

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3696 posts

I have done this many times and I would suggest a car. You are correct that you can get it right at the train station and then take the beautiful drive to St. Remy (my favorite place to stay in Porvence) There are so many wonderful places you can stop along the way. The drive along the Mediterranean is great, and a stop in St. Maxime for lunch is always fun. Nice was fine, but the little towns all around are great. I love just stopping whenever I see something of interest, or following a small side road to see where it takes me. Have a wonderful time, and hopefully the sunflowers will be in bloom! I assume you would return your car to the airport in Nice.

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1022 posts

A car is a good idea wherever you base. Apart from Nice, you'll make the best use of your limited time with a car. Public transport along the Cote d'Azur is good, so you can ditch the car in Nice unless you want to tour around there.

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4132 posts

If you will be in St. Remy (good choice by the way) and hope to see some sights, you'd better have a car too. The buses do not run often enough to get you around.

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32325 posts

Naomi, You might want to delete your duplicate Threads on this topic.

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33525 posts

Just remember that not only you but most of the rest of the world will appear to be on the roads of the Cote d'Azur in July. Not saying to not have a car - I always do - but then I wouldn't dream of going in July, just be aware. I recently posted that, for me, driving the beach road in Villefranche is harder than driving the Amalfi coast. Villefranche has lots of narrow, extremely steep lanes. That's what makes it beautiful.