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President Obama and D-Day Normandy 2009

The President is getting a lot of flak on certain blogs and forums (not here, I hasten to add) because of unfounded rumours of D-Day commemorative events being cancelled etc. due to his visit.

The latest news I have is that nothing is cancelled, but security will be tighter than usual for the ceremonies at the US cemetary and for his visit to the beach there, both on June 6th.

Apart from that, he is not scheduled to be visiting any other events and so they should be largely unaffected.

This is according to our regional Normandy newspaper; I have translated and posted the relevant info on our blog here:

Obama and D-Day 2009 in Normandy

Anyone planning on going to Normandy should not be put off by silly rumours - check the facts and don't believe everything that you read on the Internet (even I make mistakes, LOL).

PS - Imagine what would be said if he WASN'T attending!

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10344 posts

Phil: Thanks for posting this. I was at Omaha Beach on June 5, the day before Pres. Bush spoke at the American Cemetery on June 6; and I can confirm that on June 6 a large area around Omaha Beach was sealed off by French security forces--it would have been impossible for tourists to get within 10 miles of either of the American landing beaches (Omaha or Utah).

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1 posts

I am very glad to know that the President is taking the time to honor the heroes of D-Day who made the supreme sacrifice to liberate Europe and bring World War II to an end. I am sure he will make this a memorable event and a fitting honor for them on this 65th anniversary.

Leonard Kloeber, COL (Retired)

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515 posts

Phil, thanks for posting this information. I have been reading of all the upcoming events...I recall vividly the many little villages we visited while in Normandy last summer. I do wish we could be there again this summer, but maybe one day again.

Col. Kloeber, I agree completely with your sentiments.