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Prescription medications while traveling

I take approximately five prescription meds per day and need to take these along on my trip. What do I need to do to try and insure these will not be confiscated by custom officials?

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10344 posts

Keep them in their original container that has your name and doctor's name and you'll be fine; probably won't even look.

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9108 posts

It's very rare to encounter customs checks when you enter Europe. The chance that your bags/belongings will be searched is extremely low. The only difficulty you might encounter is when you re-enter the US. US Customs is more strict and US law requires original pharmacy labels on all medications. But even then, you still have a slight chance of being searched. So it's nothing to be overly concerned about.

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805 posts

I have never been stopped for a Customs check going into Europe. However, just to be safe, as suggested above, bringing the medications in their original contianers with the doctor's name, etc. is almost certainly sufficient if asked.

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8 posts

Thank you for your suggestions. I plan only taking a little more medication than I need for the duration of our stay, so there won't be anything to worry about on the return trip. :)

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10344 posts

You probably already know this: put medications in your carry-on.

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8 posts

I did, but thanks for the reminder anyway!

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6898 posts

Melissa, I'm in the same boat. First, all my meds are in my carry-on. Second, we were there for 19 days and I took a 30-day supply. Third, I combined medications in larger bottles to save space. Fourth, I had a copy of my prescriptions with me in case I was challenged. Fifth, I didn't combine any prescriptions with my 1-quart Ziplock back with my liquids. There was never a problem. I was not challenged anywhere. In Europe, they don't seem to be worried about your prescriptions.