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We will be visiting Prague for four nights this July. We are interested in spending at least one night in a castle. I know this is possible in France and Germany but have not found any info for one near Prague. Any suggestions? This is our first trip to Europe as well as our first trip to Prague. All of your ideas and experience welcome!

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32331 posts

Tauna, I don't know of any "Castles" in Prague, except of course for the famous one on top of the hill. There might be some information in the Guidebook, but I've never checked. As this is your first trip to Europe, I'd highly recommend reading Europe Through The Back Door prior to your trip, as there's a LOT of good information there on "how" to travel in Europe. One tip about Prague - if you're arriving by rail, DON'T use the "rip-off" Taxi drivers at the station. The Guidebook has good information on the best way to get into the old town area. Happy travels!

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2 posts

Ken, thanks for the tip. Have the book on order and am looking forward to reading it. We have purchased a package vacation so the big stuff is taken care of. Now, just tons of small stuff. Only four days each Paris Milan & Prague.

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4637 posts

Tauna, just google castle hotels Czech Republic. You can choose what you like. I am aware of two other hotels. One is in Zbiroh chateau (between Prague and Pilsen) and another one is in Valtice (southeastern Moravia). Zbiroh: Valtice:
In the same chateau in Valtice there is a wine cellar with 100 best samples of wine of the Czech Republic. If you are a wine lover it is worth visit:

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4637 posts

The other two castles (or chateaus) which Brad probably means are in nearby Lednice and Mikulov. Especially Lednice chateau is worth visit.