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Portugal-Looking for a special place

We will be in Portugal in July and would like to stay in a small-medium town with local flavor. Ideally it would have enough restaurants and shops to be intriguing but not be overrun with tourists. Walking / hiking trails would be a terrific artists haven perhaps? Any recommendations?

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4132 posts

I have two suggestions: Sintra, which is near Lisbon (and does a pretty stiff tourist trade, but has some wonderful walks), and Coimbra, an old University town with lots of character, some Roman ruins, and walking possible in the Busaco forest as a day trip.

You might want to investigate both of them.

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4 posts

Terrific, thanks! I will look into these suggestions...

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175 posts

Not sure if this meets your criteria, but Rick Steves touts Salema. We visited Salema in 2005 and loved it. It is a small fishing village with a nice beach and several very good restaurants. Hardly any shops to speak of. Plenty of hiking trails available. We also loved Sintra, but it is hit pretty hard by tourists.

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3258 posts

I vote for Salema, Portugal as well--we've never had better fish than we had a Boia Bar and Restaurant.

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3258 posts

The Pension Mare was a really nice hotel in Salema--we had a small apartment on the top floor that had a great view of the ocean.

Pension Mare