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Point/Point tickets vs. France saverpass (2 people)

I've avoided asking this question because I thought the answer must be obvious (and I'm just a dimwit/math phobe). The Saverpass will be around $240 for 4 days travel. When I've done the numbers for the Point/Point, it seems like it's a lot more--or perhaps I'm doing it wrong. Can someone please point me in the right direction? We'll need a train from Paris to Colmar; Colmar to Beaune (via Dijon); Beaune to Lyon, and Lyon to Paris. Thanks much.

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4555 posts

Best place to check for tickets for your trip is at the French national rail website, Enter your destinations and dates (up to 3 months in advance) and you'll find some excellent deals for purchase. Paris-Colmar can be had for as little as 32.20 Euro, Colmar-Dijon for 32.90 Euro, Dijon-Beaune for 6.50 Euro, Beaune-Lyon 21.60, and Lyon-Paris, 25 Euro. Total, about 118 Euro ($185), including all necessary reservations. You're probably using the RailEurope website for point to point...which is not a good place to do such comparisons. Looking at that site, I see the France saverpass is actually $238 second class for 3 days, with an additional day at $, $271 US.

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4132 posts

Unlike the Eurail passes, which are all first class, I think the 2nd class France Saverpasses can be a good value. As Norm says, though, you have to price it out.

The place where point-to-point really shines is when you can snag one of those discount fares, basically available only through SNCF's labyrinthine web site. If you can thread the maze and win the prize you may find p2b beats the rail pass, and you can save a few euros.

Sounds like a really great itinerary, by the way!

Posted by
30 posts

Thanks, guys. I'll check out the site Norm mentions, French national rail website, I hope it isn't too lanyrinthian ... I kinda thought the SCNF-RS site was labyrinthian! (if there is such a word). thanks again. Gotta check out the Point/point stuff.