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Please tell me what to do with my two weeks in Vence.

We have been in Paris for almost three weeks and will be back here in August for three more. We are hitting all of the major sites, major and minor musuems, parks, etc.

However, for two weeks in the middle, we will be in Vence and have a car.

I keep vacilating between relaxing/staying local and day-tripping to see everything I can see.

I am used to long drives so am not phased at all by a day trip up to four hours away. So, please do not take that into consideration. I will go anywhere within that drive time that is worth it. But, I also want to consider the staying put side of it - what would be the advantages and what would I DO locally for two weeks with young kids (who do love museums, history, and walking tours).



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1633 posts

Last year, we drove up to Bolzano, at the base of the Dolomites, and saw the Ice Man at the Museum of Archaeology. It's so beautiful up there and the weather was quite a bit cooler. Check out the website and for more info. According to, it's about a 3 1/2 hr. drive.

Posted by
445 posts

Do you mean Vence in So. FRance or Venice in Italy?
If you are going to VENCE in France, there will be lots of traffic on the roads as it is high season for European vacations, esp . the French. There are loads of places to visit in the area and I suggest Rick's book on Provence and the Riveria. If you cannot find this in look in Galignani on the rue de Rivoli across from the Tuileries as well as W.
H. Smith (a large British bookseller) in Paris. Both these shops carry a good stock of English guidebooks.]There are some great art museums in the area.....St.Paul de Vence has the Galerie Maeaght, much further own the COte d'Azue you will find interesting museums in Cap Martin and outside of Nice in Cimiez. There is a fabulous museum in Monaco
that Jacques Cousteau was associated with. Try googling if you have good computer access.(I note that you are presently in Paris...lucky duck!!!)

Just expect heavy traffic, and big crowds everywhere.
If you can take a train to Monaco, it would be easier.

Posted by
143 posts

Thank you for all of the posts so far.

I am talking about VENCE in Southern FRANCE.

We will see the local museums but are interested in posssible day trips from there.


Posted by
711 posts

There are many in teresting places in the Var about 1hour to the east- midieveil villages like Cotignac.Also, the Luberon and the Cotes de Rhone villages are wonderful. For the driving loops of the Luberon and Cotes de Rhone see Steves' book on Provence.Will you be driving down to Vence? My suggestion is looking at a good France Map to see how far these places are from you in Vence. You could also drive the Gorges of Verdun which is in the Var and Spectacular. Do keep in mind that this is high season- we go in the Fall to Photograph. All the driving times people give you could be doubled or tripled. Last year when we drove from Burgundy to the Dordogne, people told us 4 hours driving time and it took us 10 hours. Ha.This was in low season.There are some neat villages on the Riviera, too.

Posted by
448 posts

Frankly...i'm too jealous to even TRY to give advice!!!...3 weeks in Paris, 2 weeks in Vence, 3 weeks back in Paris...and you're currently in France, with a car!!...and Kids who love museums!!....And you didn't bring your dog...
Anyhow, i don't remember where it is, but the house/museum of Renoir is in the area, very beautiful...and after i take MY dog for a walk i'll do a google check.

Posted by
15 posts

Drive up to Gourdon for sure - the views are wonderful and the town is cute albeit touristy.
But then we are tourists anyway!

Continue up the hill from Gourdon and over the pass
and you are in the most gorgeous unspoiled area of
Provence - meadows and mountains, gorges and 'clues'.
X-country ski areas and little ski villages. Dude

Tourettes-sur-Loup is another pleasant destination
w/medieval streets (a little like St.PdeV).

I'd stay away from Grasse - it's a nightmare for
driving and super busy at the best of times. But
that's just MHO!

Posted by
655 posts

Hi Cecily.....I don't know how the kids would like these two spots but we very much enjoyed Tourettes-sur-Loup, the charming village suggested by Lynne, and the Gardens of the Villa Rothschild at Cap Ferrat.

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1633 posts

Cecily, I'm glad Maryann cleared up that you will be in Vence--not Venice. So, delete what I said about the Dolomites--that would be a REALLY long ride--sorry about that. Have fun with the kids making lots of memories.

Posted by
143 posts

Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it.


Posted by
711 posts

Cecily.. In my response, Cotignac and the villages of the Var are to the West, not the east, sorry.They are on the way back to the Luberon and up to Burgundy.

Posted by
149 posts

Hi Cecily, A nice village near Vence is Saint Vallier de Thiey. It has a great weekend market on a beautiful villiage green surrounded by chestnut trees. It has produce, clothing, and misc. goods (I think it is on Sunday, but check locally). The locals come to picnic under the trees. One of the hotels sets up an outdoor restaurant under a big tree; very enjoyable. From there on to the Gorges du Verdon (I agree with the post above). We toured the south road of the gorge which has the bridge over the gorge. Your kids will like walking out on the bridge and looking way down to the bottom. At the end of the gorge there is Lac de St. Croix. If your kids are old enough, this is a great place to go swimming; it is very popular with the locals. Look for a dirt road with lots of local cars as soon as you get to the lake. A bit farther afield (you said four hours is OK) is Pont du Gard (a must see), Avignon, Les Baux de Provence, Nimes, etc. I can e-mail photos of St. Villier de Theiy and the Gorges du Verdon if you are interested. Have fun, Charlie