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Please give me your feedback on this itinerary

Let me be the first to say that I think this itinerary is relatively nuts. We are trying to do too much in too little time in my opinion. However my friend is intent on this (it's just him and I). I am trying to cater to him because he is nice enough to be booking us a bunch of hotel nights with his Marriott and Starwood points for free.

We are both okay with not seeing much of Amsterdam because we have both been. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!

25th - AMSTERDAM/PRAGUE - arrive in Amsterdam at 7:05am, depart (flight) for Prague at 9:20pm, arrive at 10:50pm

26th – PRAGUE

27th – PRAGUE/MUNICH – depart (rail) Prague at 6:11am, arrive in Munich at 2:30pm

28th – MUNICH

29th – MUNICH

30th - MUNICH/INTERLAKEN – depart (rail) Munich at 6:40am, arrive in Interlaken at 1:57pm


1st – INTERLAKEN/VENICE – depart (rail) Interlaken at 8:01am, arrive in Venice at 2:30pm

2nd – VENICE

3rd – VENICE/PARIS – depart Venice (flight) at 1:25pm, arrive in Paris at 3:10pm

4th – PARIS

5th – PARIS

6th – PARIS/AMSTERDAM – depart Paris (rail) at 6:25, arrive in Amsterdam at 10:36pm

7th – AMSTERDAM – depart at 1:55pm

Posted by
6788 posts

It looks doable. And I agree wiht you that it's too much too fast. My suggestion would be to skip one or two of your stops (Interlaken? it seems like the odd man out here among otherwise top-tier destinations) and slow down just a bit. I'd definitely give Venice more time.

Posted by
4555 posts

I think that, despite your friend contributing the points, you both have to agree on the destinations. What is it you really want to see? I think much of your day in Prague will be wiped out by jet lag, so either schedule more time there or cut them out....otherwise, it'll be a waste. I agree with David that Interlaken should probably be left out. In fact, I would argue that, this time around, Venice is probably best left out too. Why not concentrate on the "northern European" experience this time around, say A'dam to Prague, then Munich, then Paris? That gives you, say 3 full days in each city....and you could easily fill those three days in those cities if you've never been there before.

Posted by
11 posts

Wow, I am tired just looking at it. When I think about traveling from one city to the next I consider not only the time involved but the frustrations involved in leaving a hotel, getting on transportation and finding another hotel. I hate repacking. I think you are right, may be a little hectic. I'm still trying to squeeze Paris into 2 weeks. Maybe I would try an itinerary like yours if I had more money?? Why don't you check into the cancellation policies in case you guys decide to "wing it" and chop a destination off?

Posted by
157 posts

I think I would drop Prague and Interlaken add time to Venice then Munich and/or Amsterdam and/or Paris. Venice needs more time. Even though you have seen Amsterdam perhaps there are some daytrips you can take, and certainly Munich offers much to see along with some day trips - Neuschwanstein Castle for one. Paris offers so much as well and daytrips from there are plentiful - Versailles for instance. Remember each one of these cities you could spend your entire vacation and not see them all. So an extra night or two in them will not be wasted and it will allow you to sit and relax a bit and really enjoy your time there.