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planning 1st trip to europe: traveling alone. start: madrid end: berlin

hello! any advice or tips will be greatly appreciated! i fly into madrid, am there to see guernica, and then want to travel south into andaluscia a bit, then meeting with someone in barcelona for around 2-3 days, then off to see whatever, (thinking i'll head east along the med. to italy, cinque...?), until i meet a friend in venice for 3 nights, then hopefully go south into italy, hit rome, florence, etc.,(or maybe venice after rome, etc.), then fly out of berlin. also, i want to make sure and have a few days at the end for berlin, and possibly a one night trip to amsterdam (if that's even possible?!). my trip will total only one month. i know this is a lot of ground to cover so i'd love to hear about can't miss spots. i am an artist and am going primarily to see art and walk the streets. i am on a budget, a 30 yr. old female, and will be traveling alone. also, i will be there mailnly in november. will i have trouble finding lodging as i go, out of season? thank you!!

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23 posts

excellent!! thank you so much for all of your help! i'm sure i'll be back soon enough once my trip becomes more specific...thanks again!!

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23 posts

yay! i'm happy to know that even one person besides myself thinks this is possible... thank you for the link! not to bombard you with sounds as though you have been around europe, so is there anything or anywhere in my route that you feel is a must see/do. i'm still in the early planning stages, (obviously!), but i'm open for suggestions. i love coast lines, so i want to see as much of it as possible, and also i'm a music lover. do you have experience with catching an opera, or perhaps the viena boy's choir? thank you again for your post!! i really appreciate it.

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28 posts

Hello art lover!

Rick has a book called Mona winks that covers art in europe, including museum logistics. you may want to get a copy.

I was in Madrid last year during high season. Don't miss the Prado. There is a nice tapas zone not too far from there (across the main drag and back toward Km0, rick's book gives details) which makes for a great afternoon. Not a real picturesque city IMO, but great food, people and art.

I loved Amsterdam--if you can get there, by all means go. The Rijksmuseum (sp?) is my favorite in Europe and well worth the visit. Amsterdam is a very walkable city. We took a bullet train from Paris and got there in about 2 hours.

For Italian renaissance art, I prefer Florence over the Vatican museums. Lines in November may be shorter, but my experience at the Vatican museum was pretty negative. It is not very well laid out, and involves walking at least a mile. Entire tour groups were jogging the corridors, trying to get to the Sistine Chapel at the end.

For me, the art highlights of Rome were the pieta in St. Peters, Caravaggio's Matthew Called in San Frencesi (a two minute walk from the Pantheon, Rick's book will get you there) and the unbelievable fountains in the piazzas. The Capitoline museum was excellent, also. Do Rick's night walk from Trastevere to the Spanish steps after dark. We made it a nightly event, stopping at different restaurants, exploring different side streets.

Have a great trip!


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1178 posts

Madrid - Plan on a day at least at the Prado...good restaurant in the main entrance lobby. The self operated guides are well worth the few dollars for a non artist, and I am sure you would enjoy them as well. Be sure to see the cloister on the top floor of the new addition. Magnificant!! Also, check out for information of all types on Madrid. Hostals are a good thing. I stayed at the Hostal Adriana in the spring and recommend it. Clean, central location. About 1/2 hour walk from the Prado area, and a short distance in the opposite direction to the Puerta del Sol. Be sure to walk the Calle Cervantes to the Prado!!

Barcelona - The Ramblas, tourist, but a definite must. Also, Gaudi, Gaudi, Gaudi -- magnificent expressions of ideas.

From Barcelona, toward Italy, Montpieller, is a better choice than Marseille....B&B if you are driving, The Stone House Inn, Caux, near Peznas, just off the coast, a true gem.

Have a great trip.

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23 posts

thank you all sooooooo much!! i'm starting to feel a better understanding of what to do while there...i'm sure i'll be back with more, more specific questions soon.... :)

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23 posts

ooops, forgot...why do you prefer montpieller to marseille? and if i'm going by train, can i still get to the b&b on the coast or will it be super difficult? thank you!