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Plane or train from Milan to Lyon?

We're wondering now about getting to France from Italy, and since the last leg of the journey would be CT, should we consider spending a night in Milan and leaving the next day via train or plane for Lyon?

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1170 posts

Kent, thanks. I am still trying to figure out how to use this site.

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1170 posts

Actually Kent, I am not sure where to find the information you mentioned.

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1170 posts

Still struggling to find a way from Florence, Pisa or Milan!

Anyone care to chime in? Couldn't figure out where Kent was sending me to search :-(

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23 posts

Kent is sending you to This is the website for German Railways which has the timetables for most if not all European railroads on its site. It is not just restricted to Germany.

The website is in German. However in the upper right hand corner, bewlow the DB Bahn logo, there is a language selection tab. English is an option.
