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Places to stay in Lugano

Traveling to Lugano in September. Is there a more interesting place to stay than in Lugano. Any recs on hotels?

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You asked about a more interesting place than Lugano. There are really a lot of interesting places in Switzerland, I guess I would call it one of the many nice places in Switzerland. It is a really nice town beside a beautiful lake. I guess it depends what you would like to do. We enjoyed walking along the lake and riding the funicular up San Salvatore. We also had a really good meal at the Manora Restaurant in the Manor Department Store. If I get to go back sometime I will probably ride somewhere on the boat and see more sights in the area. We stayed at Hotel San Carlo. It was nice but not real fancy. It was downtown in a great location on a pedestrian only street not far from the lake and they had a good breakfast.