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Places to eat in Reims & times for Martel House Tour

Hello all,
I am trying to plan a day trip to Reims which will include a trip to Pommery and Martel. Trains are already booked, so I am trying to arrange tours that will allow us to get lunch and visit the Cathedral. I would like to walk from Pommery to Martel, and possibly have lunch along the way. Are there any good casual places to sit and eat in that area that you would recommend? Also, Martel sent us some info about their tours, but did not give us the times that they have available. If anyone happens to know what times the English tours run that would be very helpful to figure out our planning. (And so that I can figure our itinerary out and make the final reservations!) Thanks so much!

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Just bumping in case anyone has any information, particularly on places to eat!