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Place to stay in Paris

Hello I am stuck between two places to rent and cannot make up my mind one is in the heart of champs Elysees 300 m from FDR stop and 700 euroes for 6 nights the other in the latin quarter a little bit run down and 120 euro cheaper. For me the price of the Latin quarter apartment is attractive but the location isnt as much. I want to know where would I get a better experience? which area is safer.... and where will we have the most access to food etc. Both places seem to have eateries close by but I am not sure of the quality .

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9436 posts

The Latin Quarter is extremely safe at any hour. All of Paris from the 1st to the 20th arrondissement is supremely safe. The Latin Quarter is very authentic Paris and I like it much better than the Champs Elysee area. But both areas are good - I would pick whichever apt is nicer.

Posted by
875 posts

Remember that food on the Champs will cost you so much more than what you can find around the Latin Qtr. If the Latin Qtr location is close to the St. Michel plaza, it is hugely close to many, many places to eat.
It mostly depends on what you are most interested in seeing while in Paris and how convenient it will be to get to those places from your chosen location.

Posted by
875 posts

Remember that food on the Champs will cost you so much more than what you can find around the Latin Qtr. If the Latin Qtr location is close to the St. Michel plaza, it is hugely close to many, many places to eat.
It mostly depends on what you are most interested in seeing while in Paris and how convenient it will be to get to those places from your chosen location.

Posted by
875 posts

Remember that food on the Champs will cost you so much more than what you can find around the Latin Qtr. If the Latin Qtr location is close to the St. Michel plaza, it is hugely close to many, many places to eat.
It mostly depends on what you are most interested in seeing while in Paris and how convenient it will be to get to those places from your chosen location.

Posted by
81 posts

Both the places are convenient location wise ! I heard there is a large north african immigrant population in the Latin Quarter and was concerned that I would not get a real Parisian experience in this area and also concerned about if its safe late at night ??

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6713 posts

I agree with Janis about food costs and Sarah about safety. We stayed almost two weeks in the Latin Quarter and liked it a lot. I wouldn't worry about safety or food quality in either place. There are lots of great restaurants and cafes in the Contrescarpe area and the streets around St-Michel. Another Latin Quarter advantage is an easier RER connection to CDG airport. We took the RER train in to the Luxembourg stop, then a short cab ride to our hotel near Place du Contrescarpe. The Champs Elysees is of course a great Paris experience, but I wouldn't stay near there if I wanted to experience more of what the city's really like!

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1068 posts

North African Parisians ARE a part of the Paris experience! Were you expecting to see only Jacques and Babette, wearing berets and playing the accordian? :o) The Latin Quarter is quintessential Paris, and while touristy, can be rather less so than the Champs Elysees. Also, prices along the Champs Elysees are ruinous - please consider venturing a little off the main drag for food and drink - you will likely be pleasantly surprised.

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344 posts

I've stayed in the Latin Quarter near St. Germain and was happy to return there after a day sightseeing. It is still "alive", but it is not swarming with people and noise and lights. It is safe to walk around at night. There are lots of places to eat. The metro lines are well placed and can zip you back to the Lovre in 10 minutes. Notre Dame is a very short walk from the Latin Quarter. That being said, 120 euros more is 20 Euros per night difference....if "a little bit run down" is going to put a damper on your vacation, perhaps 20 Euros per night to stay at a nicer place is worth it. But as far as the neighborhood, Latin Quarter is fine. I would get the address of both places and use google maps, street view, and take a look! enjoy! SuzieeQQ
San Diego

Posted by
1986 posts

For a diifference of only 20 euros per night, go where you will feel more comfortable. Its not worth the extra aggravation. The Latin Quarter is usually attractive to tourists, and nobody can complain about being "in the heart of the champs Elysee". You dont have to eat near your hotel (if the prices bother you), there is quite a bit within reasonable walking distance

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9110 posts

I agree, the North Africans can present a real issue. Well, maybe except for one older lady who figured out I was lost in the back streets of St Ouen late one night and walked me forever until I could get my bearings. The problem was that she had her grandaughter with her and I had to shoulder-tote the little kid - - I was really afraid that I was going to get cooties in my hair or something. Sheesh. People is people. My drutheres twixt the two would be the Latin Quarter since it has more places to wander at the end of the day. It can't be too bad since my non-karate-trained, ninety-pound daugher lived there for four years while she was in college and managed to come home without bruises. Older hotels come with the territory. The Champs has kind of nose-dived in the last twenty or thirty years. It has too many Gaps, McDonalds, and record stores for me. If you stay up that way and want to eat nearby, your best bet is probably off to the north a couple or three blocks. Avoid the joints on the main drag like the plague.

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21 posts

We just got back from staying in the Luxembourg Gardens area (2 blocks from the Lux metro) just south of the Latin Quarter and loved it! It was just far enough from the core of the Latin Quarter that it didn't feel super touristy, but it's close enough to walk to tons of things. It's the University District and was very safe (all of Paris felt very safe, actually). I'd definitely recommend something in that area.

Posted by
174 posts

I personally am not fond of the Champs Elysees area - I would choose Latin Quarter. The Champs Elysees felt like a long boulevard, which while pretty, had lots of Americanized stores and very expensive restaurants. The Latin Quarter had better cafes and a more Parisian atmosphere.