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Place to stay for 5 in Paris with 2 teens?

We are looking for a place to stay for 3 nights with 5 people in Paris that is in a good location, but can accommodate 5 people?
2 of our party may leave after 2 nights. Could someone recommend a hotel where we all could stay in one room or an apartment that may be cheaper? I am trying to avoid 2 rooms.

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527 posts

Our family has used very successfully in multiple countries. Just be sure that you do your homework on reviews and location.

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12 posts

We have traveled to Italy with three teens and we used apartments for almost three weeks. It gives everyone their own space and lets you settle down for a little while. There are lots of different sites to use, both vrbo and airbnb. Teens will need to have a little independence so everyone will be happy. Good Luck!

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61 posts

I am planning on traveling to Paris and other areas of France with 5 of my kids, ages 8, 12, 15, 16 and 19 and am using, etc. It is too much hassle and expense to rent rooms. Focus on location and I check reviews of the properties on other sites like Tripadvisor.

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4 posts

Thank you all for your help. We realized that it is much cheaper to stay in an apartment and the teens will need some space!