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Place St. Michel Neighborhood

We are staying in a studio near Place St. Michel for 5 nights and wanted to know if there was a market street similar to Rue Cler near by. Thank you. Dave

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1358 posts

I don't recall any markets, per say (however, sometimes you'll find one across the river near l'Hotel de ville. However, you're always just a hop, skip, and a jump to get there by metro. You'll LOVE staying near Place St. Michel as there's SO MUCH character!

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524 posts

Yes, Rue de Buci. Take St Andre des Arts from Place St. Michel and it turns into Rue de Buci. There are several types of markets. This one is a permanent market and the shops on the street bring out their wonderful food. Maybe other vendors set up their stands as well. Great foodie street with patisseries, boulangeries (bakeries), chocolate shops, etc. Also stores and lots of cafes on this mainly pedestrian street My family and I had an apartment right at Place St. Michel aobut 10 years ago. Across the Seine is Notre Dame! It was perfect location! Great street for carry out food from the shop windows near Place St. Michel. Google Paris markets and you will find web sites with the days of the week that neighborhood markets set up.

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76 posts

Everyone, Thank you all for the information. Sounds like there are many great options near to Place St. Michel to find some great local foods. Merci. Dave