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Pier in Nuremberg, Germany

What is the location and address for the ship pier in Nuremberg, Germany? A relative will be picking us up by car upon disembarkation in Nuremberg

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144 posts

Are you referring to the docking area for some of the river cruise ships that travel on the Main-Donau(Danube)Canal? If so, that area is to the south of the historic area- well outside, actually. I believe there is a main road called, appropriately enough, Hafenstrasse, which crosses the canal... And the boats dock right there. Sorry I can't give you an exact street address. If you are working with a cruise line, they should be able to provide the exact address information. Hope this helps.

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19 posts

Thanks for your info Laura. Viking doesn't seem to provide me with more specific info nor an address. I just want to give my nephew more specific directions on reaching the dock area. Also where to temporarily park his car. Once on Hafenstrasse, where do you turn to get closer to where the ship is actually docked. The map is quite confusing, at best. Regards,

Posted by
19 posts

George, thanks. I have seen this diagram of the docking area. It is good but too general. When driving a car, you need to know more than Hafenstrasse that crosses the Main Donau Canal. Like can u park on the strasse or where. For ex.- if you call a taxi to pick you up at the pier, what address does it use? Someone must know more detail - yes?

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33339 posts

As it says on that link, the ship can be in one of various places in the general area. The ships are quite large and should be visible from the road. You could look at Google Streetview. If your nephew is local perhaps he could scope it out in advance?

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19171 posts

You might try doing a search on this site. In the last year or so, someone wrote in about getting from the Hbf to the cruise ship dock, and I found information about the local transport in Nürnberg. They gave an address and I found a connection by U-Bahn and bus to that address.