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pick one: Colmar, Strassbourg, Nice, Lyon

I have 2 days to fritter away. I am considering one of the four cities listed above--Colmar, Strassbourg, Nice or Lyon. Which would you pick and why? Keep in mind that we will have already done big cities (Paris, Venice, Salzburg, Prague). Also, it is December so idyllic strolls in the sunshine isn't going to sell.

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416 posts

I love Strassbourg, but also agree with the mention of the Dijon area and Beaune. Strassbourg if you love fois gras, Beaune/Dijon if you love burgundy wines. Also, Strassbourg has a big Christmas market in December that is fun. I cannot comment on either Lyon or Nice. Colmar looked like a pretty town when I went through there on a train several years ago and again, fois gras...

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206 posts

Of the places you have mentioned, I have only been to Lyon (twice). I would go back again! There is wonderful food, beautiful churches, Roman ruins, architecture, textile museum (more interesting than it sounds), etc.... Even if it will be December, it won't be so cold you can't do a bit of strolling. IMHO, it's the best way to get around and see interesting things. For example, the forecast for today is a high if 50F, low of 40F. If you can survive an Oregon winter, you'll do just fine in Lyon. :-)

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251 posts

Lyon... without hesitation. Not because it is neccesarily better but because as a professional cook and all around food nut Lyon and the surrounding area is like a pilgramage for Chefs. From raw ingredients to buchons and bistros. Not to mention the Cote d'Or of wine. Though Lyon itself is a big city, 2nd biggest in France. I would probably base myself in Dijon and vist the area. Sure you can't go in January, then you can go to the big wine auction and festivile in Beaune.

My only other expereinces are this, keep in mind they're only mine. Nice: Yawn, I used to live in Antibes and find nothing charming Nice unless you are a 20ish student. Venice was cold and wet. Not in a romantic way - though being near Christmas could make it great.

It would help to know where you are going to be prior and what you are interested in or type of experience you are looking for.

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53 posts

I've only been to Nice of the places you mention and would definitely not recommend it.

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96 posts

Since it sounds like you are doing a lot of "cities" as opposed to towns, Colmar might be the best place to go. It is a walkable town, a good place to go for just two days. You can also find the same foods as you would find in Strasbourg (onion tarts, sauerkraut and sausages). Colmar is lovely and a photographer's dream.

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4132 posts

I'd pick Lyon, because as you note it is December, and Lyon will have the most to offer in case of inclement weather.